Welcome to the
Official parent club for the Mudi breed in America
About the MCA
The Mudi is a rare herding breed from Hungary where it is still favored by shepherds to work sheep and cattle herds. In the United States the breed is extremely rare with a small number of fanciers. The Mudi is a breed that still has strong herding instinct. We believe that while it is important to maintain the Mudi’s natural herding abilities, the breed is also very versatile making it a contender in many active dog sports. Although most Mudi certainly show the ability to perform as a herding dog, we realize not all owners have the opportunity in which to foster this herding instinct, nor the means in which to expose their dog to sheep or cattle. We certainly do encourage any Mudi owner to have a simple herding instinct test done with their dog. Some may find it will open new doors of opportunity for themselves and their Mudi. Others may wish to target a sport like Agility or Flyball in which to unleash their Mudi’s hidden talents.
2025 Mudi Calendars
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Mudi?
The Mudi (pronounced "moodie") is a medium sized herding dog from Hungary which has been in existence since the nineteenth century. It is said the Mudi evolved naturally from crosses of the Puli, Pumi & German Spitz type breeds. The distinguishing characteristic of prick ears led experts to classify this type by naming & registering the breed in 1936. Today the Mudi is seen as an active, intelligent, biddable working breed.
What is the general Mudi temperament?
All dogs are individuals and their temperaments vary widely, but, generally, around people he knows, the Mudi is a friendly and playful dog (one fancier once compared them to a cross between a Miniature Poodle and a German Shepherd Dog, both in look and temperament). The average Mudi is neither shy and fearful nor exuberant and overjoyed when meeting new people. That’s not to say you can’t find individuals of either inclination.
MCA Shop
Click the button below to visit our online store to purchase your Mudi merch!
What the Members are saying:
"I belong to a National Club because I want the Mudi to succeed - not just my Mudi - the MUDI. I want to be a part of a club that looks for answers to health problems, that pushes for better conditions for dogs, works to help junior fanciers with their dogs, that makes the members stand by their puppies and looks out for the wonderful breed I own. I want members to take pride in their dogs and if they don't - I want the parent club to ask that they do."
Interested in meeting a Mudi?
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