2024 AKC National Championship

National Owner Handler Series Finals -
Judge Michael Canalizo

Owner-Handled Best of Breed  GCHG CH Twisted Acres Ride My Seesaw CM8, R Ingersoll,/T Matteson/K Kingsland
Owner-Handled Best of Opposite Sex  GCHB CH Flyaway Corvus, L Heins

National Championship presented by Royal Canin - Judge: Ms Linda Robey

Best of Breed GCHG CH Twisted Acres Ride My Seesaw CM8, R Ingersoll/T Matteson/K Kingsland
Best of Opposite Sex GCH CH Mecseki Bundas Mandula, D Graves/L Graves
Select Dog GCHB CH Mcpotter's Creek's Lyin’ Eyes, M Kolb
Select Bitch Graves Farm All Together Spooky, E Brooks
Best Bred By in Breed/Variety GCH CH Leaning Pine Maestro Mezcalero FDC CA DCAT CGC TKN, J Gade/L Norgaard-Larsen
Best of Winners Twisted Acres Blast From The Past, R Ingersoll
Winners Dog Roka Brio FDC CGC TKN, D Shotts
Winners Bitch Twisted Acres Blast From The Past, R Ingersoll
1st Award of Excellence CH Luminary Mr. Steal Your Curl, A Mclaughlin/S Van Buren
2nd Award of Excellence GCHB CH Flyaway Grus BCAT FITB, Z Weire/J Distler
3rd Award of Excellence GCHS CH Mcpotter's Creek's Emerald, G Myers/B Myers/R Myers
4th Award of Excellence GCHB CH Mcpotter's Creek's Nimrod FDC CA BCAT DS DJ TKN, T Hoffman
5th Award of Excellence GCH CH Baratpataki Zille, T Stilger

RACH Invitational - Earning the MCA Medallion

CH RACH Akekal's Bad Moon Rising RM3 RAE2 RC FDC AX AXJ MFB FCAT2 ACT1 RATCH ATT, K Verrelli


Westminster 2025!


The 1st Official MCA National Specialty is in the books!